Whereas, we have been led, as we trust, by divine grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and God, we do now solemnly, in the presence of the great Searcher of Hearts, covenant with each other to walk together in Him in brotherly love. To this end we do cheerfully engage:
That we will by divine assistance aim, as members one of another, to promote the growth of the whole body in Christian knowledge, holiness and comfort. That we will endeavor to exercise a faithful watch-care over each other, and not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together for the worship of Almighty God, and for the observance of the ordinances of his house.
That we will cheerfully contribute of our substance as the Lord shall prosper us for the support of the poor, the maintenance of a faithful gospel ministry among us, and the diffusion of a pure and undefiled religion throughout the world. That we will endeavor to observe personal and family devotions at home, and to train up our children for the service of God and the enjoyment of heaven.